the space between us all

The male had been so worried about his eyesight that he hadn't even noticed the girl had dropped the sand. He had mistaken her escape for a chase, the assumption of which made her next words sound rather misplaced indeed. Pulled from his amused laughter, Hemming furrowed his brows and stopped immediately. Perhaps that wasn't the brightest move, because it was possible that "it" was actually huge and going to eat her, but his confusion and curiosity demanded that the gray wolf investigate. Having turned around slowly to relieve his curiosity, Hemming was sorely disappointed. He couldn't see anything at all. He squinted against the bright sky, following the pair of footsteps back to where the hermit crab had been flung out to sea, and still did not see anything worth getting upset about. Brows furrowed, he cast a concerned glance to the girl (she already seemed rather unstable; had the hermit crab incident caused her to launch into some kind of episode?) and asked, "What's going to eat you?"

He continued to peer down the beach, intent to understand what in the world she was talking about. After a few moments, he saw it. It was, indeed, a brilliant example of a beast's ability to camouflage with the world around it. The crab - a real crab this time, not a hermit crab - was scuttling sideways up the shore, seemingly towards them. Its red shell was an almost perfect match to the sand's coppery hue, and the only reason that Hemming really noticed it at all was the cream colored claw. A very big cream colored claw, at that. With his eyes a little wider, the wolf not sure if he should be frightened of this creature or not, he replied abruptly, "Oh, I see," and left it at that.

james made this! ♥

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