the space between us all

She wasn't sure if it really could kill her or not, but that claw looked DEADLY! Addison eyed it with fear as she came to a stop, standing behind him and looking back at it. It was so gross-looking! And why did it have to run sideways like that, all creepy-like?! She waited for him to do something, then spoke again. "I don't know your name, even. But don't you let that thing get near me! Please.." She hated things with all those crawly legs on them. She watched the thing avidly to be sure of its position, looking back up at him again. "I'm sorry for throwing sand. Real sorry, Mister! But's coming after me now. It was chasing me!" The crab had in fact stopped in its movements, watching the two wolves with its eyes wiggling back and forth a little, one claw raised up in the air.

Addi watched it as it stared at them, raising one of her own fists in an aggressive manner toward it. The crab raised its claw even higher, and she raised her fist up a bit more. It was trying to threaten her! What a cheeky little crab! She took a few pounding steps toward it, opening her jaws wide. "RRRAAWWWRRRRRR!!!" She shouted, leaning down over it. In one quick motion the crab started to scuttle again, this time in the opposite direction. "Yeah, you stupid little crab! Trying to eat me! I'll show you!!" She stomped after it, laughing as it ran in a nearly straight line back down the beach.

Once the crab was far enough away she started back toward Hemming. When she reached him she extended one arm toward him, tapping him on the shoulder. "YOU'RE IT! CRAB TAG!!" It would be the newest, best version of tag ever. She starting to run, but not the normal way. She ran sideways.


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