the space between us all

Hemming chuckled a little when the girl cowered behind him. Surely this little creature wasn't dangerous! It was, after all, quite small, and though it had a rather giant claw it would be easy to outrun. However... it did seem to be making rather good time as it stormed down the beach towards him. As it drew closer and closer to his toes, the male did start to get a little nervous after all. In response to the many words and apologies the girl spat out, and the approaching danger, Hemming merely grunted, "Uh, uh." Usually a beast like this would be a curiosity, a little fellow to befriend, but it seemed like a little bit of the other's fear was rubbing off on him. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the crab, pleading silently that it wouldn't do anything mean. After all, Hemming had been awfully nice to all the creatures he had ever found, and he couldn't help but be associated with this girl! It wasn't his fault!

The beast seemed rather determined to show the two wolves the fault in their ways, and Hemming was rather stunned. He was glad, but more than a little startled, when the girl took charge. It was an interesting approach, indeed, and one that would garner its fair share of incredulous looks, but it did seem to work. The crab, after hesitating for a moment, scuttled away. Shocked by all the events that had occurred so far, Hemming remained speechless. This was all very strange, and it was just going to get stranger. The girl tapped him on the shoulder, exclaimed a series of words that Hemming had never heard in his life and doubted he would ever again, and ran off. In a very odd way.

After taking a moment to collect all his thoughts, he grinned and laughed at the very prospect of Crab Tag before scuttling crabwise down the beach towards the girl. As he moved, he held his hands up at his shoulders and made a pinching motion with his fingers and thumb. This was... absolutely ridiculous, but it was also ridiculously fun.

james made this! ♥

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