the space between us all

It certainly was hard work moving through all the dense sand sideways. Hemming was panting by the time that the girl fell over, at which point he paused and looked at her. Her status seemed to call for the end of the game, and the male regretfully resumed a normal run to get to where she was. "Are you okay?" he asked as he drew closer, moving around the bone she had tripped on and kneeling beside her. He looked at her ankle, which seemed to be the cause of her pain. She seemed to be staring at something else, though, and Hemming's gaze followed hers. The thing she had tripped on, and the thing that he had subconsciously avoided, was formed of a strange material. It kind of looked like... bone, actually. Hemming, caught up in the wonder and excitement of everything that happened, almost completely forgot about the girl's injury and shuffled a little closer to the mysterious obstacle.

He reached out a hand and felt it, confirming that it was certainly bone, and looked around where they were sitting. His playmate seemed to have stumbled upon the rib of a whale without even noticing it, and now the two wolves were practically sitting in the belly of a whale! An oval of similar protrusions surrounded them, and Hemming gazed in awe. The whale was not as massive as some could get, but even small whales were enormous. "Hey, look," he said gently, a sort of tranquillity and wonder coming over him. His eyes continued to rove across the evidence of the whale's ribcage, and for just a moment he looked back to the girl, his wide amber eyes betraying the deep reverence that had settled like a blanket across his mind. Time had left many things behind, and had carried many things with it. The steady rush of the waves in the background, wearing away at the sandy beach, reminded Hemming that the only constant was change.

james made this! ♥

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