For a Small Moment In Time
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hahhhhh, thanks~~<3
Oh yeah, Cwmfen is in her lupus form, if that is okay >__>

Cwmfen’s woad-bound maw brightened with her subtle, golden smile. At the sound of her name, the banded maw dipped in a formal and respectful greeting. Anu was a wolf that the warrior considered a friend as well, one that she had learned that Onus considered as well. Onus did not share such a title with many, and so there was a greater respect for the Crimson Dreamer in that respect as well. Colibri again, the Caledonian-Korean repeated silently with a soft smile. The black fae was slowly beginning to understand the undertones that move through Anu’s voice in the mentioning of that name. "Once more, I have not met her," she admitted. "Do you know of her home?" If the other did not know if its location, it was one thing with which the black fae would be able to help.

The black fae lifted her maw to better catch their scent. Immediately, she recognized it, although she did not know its name. "That scent," she said, her tone grasping that formality once more. Her eyes shifted to look up at the blue eyes that were like water. "The scent is upon our boarders." There was a slight pause—perhaps the blue-eyed woman had seen the strange things on her way in. "Strange metal that bites," the black fae explained. She had been careful to tread upon safe ground. The white orbs held a sharp glint, but she knew that Anu was not the perpetrator—and yet.... No, the warrior decided, although the possibility of treachery still lingered there. "You should be careful with that scent, Anu," the soft alto warned. And then the matter was dropped from the conversation.

Regardless, the black fae was curious still of the purpose of those held plants. "Those flowers," the alto song rang, the woad bound maw lifting to indicate to the fragranced plants within the other’s grasp. The white orbs considered them with that mild curiosity. The warrior’s head tilted slightly, imperceptibly, in question. "What are they for?" Having never been given flowers herself (and thus never given flowers), nor witnessed the giving of flowers, the wolf did not understand such social behavior. The woad bound ears lifted forward as if to better hear the meaning of holding rootless flowers. The white orbs glittered in the half-light of the filtered light of the day, shining as they might at night. The black fae liked the soft whisper of the light upon the petals. Their simplicity was appealing to behold, but she could not discern their purpose.

A soft smile moved across the lips as the blue gaze moved behind the woad-marked fae. With that ethereal fluidity, the black she-wolf stepped aside, revealing fully the two twins piled upon each other in the protective foliage. The white orbs watched them affectionately, a thing that came so naturally and strongly that it surprised the warrior. And yet, as with her love for Onus, she did not seek to suppress that emotion. Looking back to Anu, a soft breath was released. "They are Onus’," the melody sang, the alto tones dancing upon the air with golden feet. You were right to hope, and I wrong to doubt the words of the Morrigan. Each pair of black and white orbs opened at their mother’s movement, and watched the stranger with that fearless, innocent gaze. Chastity, who had been sleeping beneath her brother, lifted her head, causing Honor to roll off. Their soft mewling sounded in the air as they struggled to write themselves. "They are twins," the alto song explained. "And they hold no darkness within them." Within the warrior’s mind, their pure souls shone brightly in her gaze. Thus, she believed them be like Onus, and for that she felt relief. She would not wish the darkness in her own soul to taint them.


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