I wont falter nor fail

A cruel smile delicately stretched across the teenager’s face now when the wolf saw her beloved darlings. Halo was about to purr out about how magnificent they were when the wolf started to pull back and away from the blood stained cages. Halo stepped back along with Addison, determined that she would at all time block the exit and keep a few feet of distance between the two. The pack wolf better not attempt to do anything foolish. ”How do you know, you barely looked at them.” Halo's melody accused sadly. The moment was too close for the hybrid to be able to control the heat beneath her skin. Playtime was over. Controlled and quickly, the hybrid drew her gun and held it with both hands as she pointed it at Addison. ”You know what this is?” Few of young age did, but Halo was far ahead of the general population of mentally gifted creatures on that road. ”This is a gun, if you move I will pull the trigger and send a bullet through your brain.” Oh fuck, such an adrenaline kick now. ”Turn around with your face towards the cage and sit down straight.” Her strangely soft melody hissed out to the wolf that was soon to die.

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