sing happy things
WC: 300+

Gotham's excitement made Jazper's tail wiggle oh so slightly along with his. Why did pups have to find everything so exciting? He vaguely recalled chasing butterflies and grasshoppers in the valley, climbing the mountains with his father, and listening to stories before bed from his dear old mother. However, he had grown up so quickly under the circumstances. Once his parent's had passed, and Dierdre was lost in the fire his childhood was simply over. Deuce took him and Dierdre's pups in but that made him the eldest of a very large litter of pups and he didn't want to be a burden to the snowy wolfess. Instead he had spent his time looking after the younger boys, playing with them and teaching them to speak. Other then that he would go for a run, or hunt with Lucifer the odd time. The pups that had been born under Crimson Dreams watch where lucky. Their parents where going nowhere and they would always have a playmate every day if they so wished.

The young ebony wolf's question left Jazper laughing. Only a small pup would so bluntly ask a question like that, "No, no, no my boy," He giggled as he used his right hand to ruffle the tiny hairs on top of the pup's head, "It was just a part of the song. It's a love song, saying you want to be with this other person forever... type of thing." It was hard to explain why someone would want to die in another's arms. It was not suppose to be taken literally. "But yes, you can do the singing thing too. Have you never hummed a tune, or sang a silly song while playing? It's quite enjoyable. Why don't you give it a try?" It couldn't be that hard, right? After all it was the same as talking, just with different pitches.


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