Strawberry Fields
Yeah, I think I might buy myself the soundtrack!

He ran his fingers over the violin, tracing the strings and thinking solely about Dierdre. He had made them a fish dinner, trying to use the herbs like Dierdre often did. And for a little something special, he had caught a rabbit, and using utensils they had gotten in the city, he had cut up the meat and attempted to make a sort of stew. It was nothing glamorous, but it was his attempt in making the day something slightly out of the ordinary.

He looked up at the soft sound of paw prints at the entrance, and his gaze met that of his mate. With a grin spreading across his lips, he instantly felt his heart burn in his chest, and suddenly he his veins filled with adrenaline – excited that she had finally came home. "I hope you like it." Pilot responded, before getting up from the skins and going over to Dierdre. He wrapped his arms around her, snaking her waist, and kissed her gently on the cheek. "Happy birthday, my love", he whispered into her ear.


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