runaway on a leash

indent Icarus grinned now, for he had found himself a playmate for the day. Nodding to the suggestion, Icarus was more than happy to head towards the lake with Beppe. He figured it would be really neat to see. "We don’ have one in Storm. We just has the river, but my dad says the river comes from Yawrah and that Yawrah comes from a kind of lake." He took a few steps forward, as if to set off the adventure and march to their destination. However, Icarus didn’t know where that was, so he had to pause and wait for Beppe’s navigation.

indent He couldn’t deny the fact that his stomach felt a little empty, so the idea of chasing rabbits sent up a flag for Icarus. "Ohh boy! Yeah, that’d be fun! I’m hungry and a rabbit would be good!" He wasn’t sure if he would be able to catch it, but maybe the duo could team up and it might make things easier for them. "Le’s go!"


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