Swallow and let it slide

indent "Pilot’s this wolf in Storm who’s good friends with my dad. He’s really weird. He told me he had a squirrel for his mommy and brother. I don’t believe him though, ‘cause the squirrels are so small!" He bounded through the snow, finding it more exhilarating if he hopped his way there, instead of merely marching. When he heard the skid of her paws on the slick snow, he turned his head over his shoulder and gave a grin. "Slippery, huh? Then we must be getting close!"

indent The pup turned back to face forwards, and decided that a not so distant hill would work just fine. The two just needed to make their way up to the top, and then the sliding would commence. "Okay, good. We just need to make a trail up this hill, and then… and then we can slide!" He began bounding up the slightly sloping hill, throwing a glance back every other hop or so, just to make sure she was still there. Doing this by himself wouldn’t be as much fun.


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