For a Small Moment In Time

sometime i check ur profile just to look at the picture you drew xD
lupus is fine of course!


Anu was not ashamed of how she lived. It was fear that kept the matters of love close to her heart and out of the open air. For her it was a fragile thing, thin and brittle it was ready to break at the slightest pressure. The foundation of her newest relationship held that weakness and as she tended and nurtured a seed with water and the light of the Sun she treated the bond that was forming with the same amount of care. Cwmfen only smiled, and spoke of still not knowing the beauty that Anu sought, but it did seem like she knew where her house was located. Anu knew as well, “I do, I have stumbled across it once before.” She restrained herself from mentioning the garden that Coli had, and the beauty that had been born there to mimic its creator’s own.

Something in the air caught the wolfess’s nose. Blue eyes watched as the four legged fey took to it and searched. She did the same, picking the foreign from the scents of Dahlia and the scents of Cwmfen. It was bitter, metallic just as the woad wolf spoke. It was dangerous, and she was unsure how weary she should be of it. She explained further, and Anu found that it should be avoided all together. “I will.” Anu spoke with a weary tone, uncomfortable with the thought of such a trap. But when the moment passed and the scent no longer lingered it fell from their tongues and another question was raised. “These?” Anu asked with a small smile. “This is lavender. They were for Coli.” She said bravely and without enough thought to stop them. “Its scent can aid in sleep, just add a little under a pillow or blanket.” Eyes looked at the flowers as she spoke. Anu placed small stalks under her head at night, the scent helping her drift to sleep with more ease. “You can have a bunch if you would like.” she offered, happy to give half of what she held to her friend.

When she spoke of the pups Anu could not removed the soft smile from her face. Eyes danced lightly from the midnight woman to her children and back again. They are Onus’, she repeated silently. They were, the sight of them made it truth. Anu had believed it, but only because her hope was blind to risk and to the odds. She was happy for the fey, as well as for her mate. Onus had feared, and Anu felt at ease knowing that he needed not. Twins, the pair not looking the same and yet they held the very same blood. “I’m happy for you Cwmfen.” Anu spoke, softly and sincerely. She wanted nothing less then the very best for the pair and for their puppies. Beasts of such honesty and valor deserved no less. None of the dark, Anu looked to them, the eyes and the coloring of the male spoke of a description that she had once been told. But once again she spoke of truth and Anu could only agree. “Their light is blinding.” another smile, wider and her words held more energy.

“What are their names?”


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