all the world is mad

WC: 400+

Afternoon sunlight glinted on the smooth surface of the lake, broken only by the ripples from a small frog's leap. Crickets and cicadas purred and chirped from the tall grasses and the trees, accented by the occasional trill of a songbird. Relief from the oppressive rainstorms was apparent, as nature scurried to and fro to make up for lost time. Colibri let it all sink in, trying to feel comfort from the land she loved so dearly. She was confused, though... It was hard to find a place where she felt like she belonged. Only when she was completely alone did it feel like she wouldn't be hurting anyone by existing. Would she be burdening this nameless woodworker if she engaged him in conversation? He made the choice for her, though, by speaking first.

His friendly voice broke through the serene song of the wilderness, gentle and nonthreatening despite the flash of the knife resting on his lap. Colibri smiled sheepishly, nodding in mute agreement. She rubbed her palms against her thighs, trying to smooth out her jangled nerves, and tentatively approached the sloping tree where the stranger was relaxing. The fresh scent of the carved wood made her nose crinkle, and it reminded her of her friend Rath. The last time he had visited, there had been little curls of wood shavings adorning his wavy auburn mane and shoulders, and he had been wreathed in the same pleasant woodsy scent as this fellow. It made it easier for the cautious woman to let her guard down - as well as the pack scent she noticed as she drew shyly nearer.

"S-sorry if I was interrupting your work," she began with an apology, bowing her head. She chose an adjacent tree, settling neatly onto her knees in the shade. Her feathered tail swept around her like a skirt, and she folded her fingers politely atop her lap, blue eyes attentively studying the Italian man before her. "You're... from Crimson Dreams," she finally observed aloud, glancing down at her now-fiddling fingers. It was hard to keep still when she felt guilty... Oh, it would be odd if she didn't offer information about herself! "I'm from Dahlia de Mai. M-my name's Coli," she stammered quickly, offering her nickname without much forethought. Unless this man was close friends with Anu... or had otherwise heard of her sire, Haku... she should be fairly safe in her anonymity. It was a relieving notion.


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