teach them all how they can dance

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Cambria had never tried to think of monsters in any other light than being scary things that gobbled up puppies. Once her mind focused on something dark and scary, it was hard for her to think about anything else. A part of her nervous and cautious nature perhaps. Though, if there were monsters in the rain, they must be very tiny. That was a little disconcerting. The monsters she imagined were always big. Much, much bigger than a puppy or even bigger than adults! To know there were tiny monsters made her paranoid for a second. That meant they could be anywhere. The pup swallowed nervously, but then saw her brother's smile and the fears were chased away. There was no reason to be scared of tiny monsters right now. Gotham had already said they couldn't get them, and even if they could, he wouldn't let them get her.

The Marino hung close to her brother and copied his body posture, keeping her head and tail down. She also flattened her ears. Maybe then their cream tips wouldn't be so visible to whatever was in the darkness of the cave. Or was there anything in the cave aside from the darkness? It wouldn't surprise her, the blackness almost seemed like a bit of a creature itself. Like they were walking inside it's belly or something. A shiver ran through her at the thought and she shook her head. No, she should not think of such things, it would only scare her. Though just as she banished those unsettling thoughts her brother blurted out that monsters were down here. A high pitched yelp sounded from the girl and echoed off the walls of the cave. She dropped to the ground and covered her face with her front paws. Nononononono! No monsters! They would gobble them up!

Though when he spoke again one paw moved and one eye opened to look up at him. Or at least where she thought he was. "W-weallies? You dun tink dere's monsters?" It was hard to tell if he were actually kidding or not. Cambi heard him continue to walk and she did not want to be left behind, but she wanted to be sure they weren't about to march into the jaws of some horrible beast.


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