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It was a nice day today, and that made things a lot easier for Cambria. Everyday she had to go out and get fresh greens for Leafy to eat and it was much better when it was not raining. The rain wouldn't stop her from getting food for her cat-pill, but she much preferred the task when it was sunny and not pouring. Because when it rained she would come inside and be all wet and muddy and then momma or daddy would have to dry her off with a towel. Plus, when it was sunny, like it was today, she could walk further and find better leaves and stuff. Her Leafy deserved the best leaves that Crimson Dreams had to offer and she was determined to find them this day. Already she had a good selection between her jaws, but she wanted to get one or two more before returning home.

Though soon the pup was distracted from her gathering task. A funny little howl was carried through the air. It was not an adult, that was clear. It sounded like when she or her siblings tried howling. Something was familiar about that voice though. But what was it? Cambria searched her brain but it was not coming to her. That meant that she would have to go investigate who had called out. Sometimes that might have scared her, but something told her she knew the owner of this voice already. That and the fact it was probably someone young like she was abated those fear and she more or less confidently trotted in the direction that the little howl had come from.

The Marino trotted and trotted and trotted until finally a shape came into view. The shape was pale, but not so pale as her father or sister. It was more yellowy. Then finally everything clicked. It was Noir! Oh yay! It had been so long since she had seen Noir, but now her friend had finally come to see her! She wanted to bark, but her mouth was full of leaves and so she could not. Instead a happy squeal came from her throat and she ran towards her good good friend, tail going at a hundred miles per hour.


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