he can, just by living, damage me beyond repair
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It could be hard to know when you were prying into territory that wasn't exactly your business. Savina herself kept a secret that did not really belong to her. The information of what had occurred between Kansas, Naniko and Lucifer was something she held deep inside, careful to make sure that no one else ever saw it. Like what had happened with Pilot, what had happened with Kansas was not her information to share. Her love had made a mistake and she knew that he felt awful for it. She knew that he didn't want anyone else to know of what had happened that night. So she had never told another soul. Not too long ago she had come close to telling her brother out of her hysteria, but she had been able to keep it inside. It wasn't something anyone else needed to know.

Quietly she allowed Urma to collect her thoughts and decide what she wanted to say. It was her life and her problems and if she didn't want Savina involved it was understandable. Though the Italian hoped that the pale femme would let her in at least a little. The pack was a support system, and it was clear that Urma needed some support right now. Though she had not expected to hear the words that came out of her friend's mouth. She was dumbstruck for a moment, her face unable to hide her reaction. Then, even though she had seen nothing alarming on her approach, her eyes searched Urma for any wounds. Thankfully she saw no evidence that she had been attacked. But now it was clear that she knew what had befallen Pilot in the clan, and in fact, knew even more disturbing information that Savina was ignorant of. 'I...I'm glad you weren't hurt. It can be dangerous...to go there..." Her words were only partially true though. Urma clearly had been hurt, just not in the physical sense.

There was some more silence and then the Sergeant spoke again, longing evident in her voice. Savina looked sympathetically over at her friend, wishing there was something she could do. That there was some kind of assurance that she could give her, but there was nothing. She really didn't know any more than Urma did. She wondered if perhaps she should tell her what she had gone and done after she had last seen Pilot. The woman decided against it though, at least for the moment. She doubted that it would help at all. "I know...I wish I could give you an answer..." That was all she could do, was wish.


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