ignorance is your new best friend
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As her brother started awake she couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction at having succeeded sneaking up on him. He had done the same to her on many occasions, so being able to get him back was always a sweet treat. She was a bit surprised by how startled he looked for a few moments though. Of course some of that went with her waking him up unexpectedly, but there was something more to it she sensed, something deeper. But then he seemed to revert back to his usual self and she dismissed that glimpse she thought she had caught of something. Surely it was nothing. After all, their lives were finally returning to normal. At least as far as she knew. Savina was oblivious to how wrong she actually was.

Then he grinned, that grin she knew so well and loved. She couldn't imagine her life here without him. Now she had Kansas and her children, but that would never mean that she didn't need him. He was the one she knew for certain she could always fall back on, even when things got rough between she and Kansas. He was there to anchor her when she felt she was slipping away. The calm that he brought to her was a gift, one that could only come with their deep bond. But then his hands sneakily came to torment her her sides and it was impossible to stop the fit of laughter that took her. Moisture almost immediately collected at the corner of her eyes, damn her for being so ticklish! "Ehno!" she called out breathlessly between giggles. Her hands and arms moved to protect herself but it was too late, so she tried to curl into a ball, preventing his access. Though she knew that she was at his mercy until he decided to stop. This game had been played far too many times for her to think otherwise.


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