``like a bird [she] /flies/ *away*

OOC: Ghitas gonna nom on Jaz! D:<

The Marino girl accepted his compliment easily but it was the rest of his words that had caught her off guard. He watched her concentrate, brows creased in an intense focus. Maybe he should try and learn Italian? It would make things easier between the two. As she suddenly burst out in a barking chuckle he was almost taken by surprise and his heart gave a small leap. Obviously she ha scared her with the laughing, what else could have caused the sudden speed in his heart. Apparently these Nomad creatures where a pack f sorts that she was associated with. Nodding he smiled sheepishly, "Well, Marino's are good at protecting. I just want to protect them extra." He knew damn well that if Savina and him where to fight, god forbid, it would be a fight worth while. The Marino's where all of average size but they knew how to defend their loved ones if someone had done them wrong.

The words that flowed from her mouth next where slightly confusing. "Three?" He questioned as he thought about the concept, how was he three? Finally it occurred to him that she wanted to be able to shift. "You have the blood to shift. You could if you tried." He was sure she just hadn't tried before, that was all. If Ehno and Savina had the blood to shift Ghita could too no doubt. He didn't know how she could not have just shifted when she came of age though. All of Naniko's pups had simply shown up one day being able to shift as if over night they had changed. Even he, who had been given Lucifers blood, had experienced the change eventually thanks to his adoptive father. He dared not tell the wolfess in front of him the details on that yet, she probably wouldn't understand, or would be grossed out by him. "I could help you." He suggested, not that he actually knew how to help but he would try if she wanted him too.

As he nuzzled the dead hear towards her he hoped desperately that she would accept the offer, it was midday after all. It simply wasn't good to not eat during the day, and with the hot sun and the warm sand this was more true then ever. His eyes grew wide as he took a few steps back, "No, you can't eat me!" He exclaimed in shock, "Wolves don't eat other wolves." He body sunk lower to the ground as he sat down, slightly tense as he stared at the girl. She couldn't have meant that she actually wanted to eat him but that was the only meaning he could find from her words. He listened to the rest of what she had to say almost reluctantly, still wanting to know why she would want to eat him. At least the hare was soft, he'd be too tough! He nodded as she spoke but kept focused on being ready to run and find Savina if the girl turned on him. "Ya, sometimes English is hard." He mumbled.


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