Absense makes the heart grow fonder
WC: 400+
ooc: My 100th Jac post, finally! :3

"That is good," he remarked bluntly, nodding. "Had you been starving by your lonesome, I would have been forced to feed you Rue." He winked at the unamused young horse, craning his neck to try to catch the blind collie's reaction. He had occasionally felt worry about Ruri's safety and well-being, since her main caretakers had been Svara and Firefly. But everyone who met her felt the need to protect her, or so it seemed. No harm had befallen the one true innocent in their ranks. And the fact that their hunter saw fit to provide to everyone was a relief as well, since even the king himself did not often partake in hunting. It was lucky that Leroy was so devoted to his duties.

The pinto filly snorted, beady eyes gazing at the slate-grey canine that was hogging her share of Jac's attention. Her little ears flicked forward with interest at hearing her name, though, and she took a hesitant step forward, hoof clacking against the hard stone of the rock. If this stranger was willing to love her as well... then she could not be all bad. Especially with such long and tempting hair. She would wait patiently (sort of) until she got another chance to tug on it. That had been fun.

Jacquez frowned, reminded vaguely of the night that Heath had cornered him in Halifax, the two of them sharing a bottle of the good stuff in the decrepit old dive bar. He had never really left, just gotten tired of the formality of greeting newcomers, and wanting to let his fractured knuckles heal in peace. But the coy-wolf had apparently thought otherwise, and inbetween shots, had voiced his polite plea for their king's return... as well as some suspicious comments about his Ruri. "Has that pautonier been bothering you, Ruri? He is naught but a stray I can chase away, if he had been sniffing at your doorstep, assembling bells and other trinkets to confuse you..." He liked Heath. But he liked Ruri, too. An unfamiliar feeling of conflict struggled to resolve itself in his simplified mind, no resolution readily surfacing. His disapproving expression softened as the border collie's fingers gently stroked through his dark mane, calming his growing suspicions. A faint smile tugged at his lips, relaxed by her wordless affections. She truly had the power to purify the emotions around her, it seemed. It was her unspoken gift, second only to her nightingale's voice.


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