Absense makes the heart grow fonder


Ruri's half-folded collie ears flattened in an unamused, concerned fashion."Jac how could you say such a thing? She's only a baby, and she's obviously likes you. Saying something like that isn't funny," she scolded, frowning slightly, although it would have been hard for Jac to see as she sat atop his head. Sometimes Jac took his little jokes a bit too far, and this was one of those times. The innocent border collie only hoped that Rue hadn't been listening, even if the small horse couldn't understand their words.

The slender, slate and ivory female became even more concerned when Jac reacted to her statement about Heath. "N-no, please don't chase him away! He hasn't been bothering me at all. He's my...friend" That was the truth. Heath was definitely her friend, although at this point she could say that he was more than just a regular friend. She loved him, but she wasn't sure how to say it. She loved Jac too, but in a different way. The delicate optime was unsure how to tell Jac, her best friend, that she had feelings for Heath. She didn't want him to get upset, but she didn't want to lie to him either. "He put up the bells and the windchime so that I would always be able to find my way back to the cabin. You see...while you were gone...I got lost once or twice. I was still in the packlands, but it took me awhile to get back home because it was raining outside. With the bells around, though, all I have to do is listen and I can find my way home from almost anywhere in Cour des Miracles...at least as far from home as I'd ever go. I thought it was rather...sweet, and I think they sound really pretty." The collie girl explained, her hand still resting atop Jac's head with her fingers interlaced with his dark mane. She really hoped Jac would understand. He was family, and she would hate to have him upset at her or anyone else because of her. It was hard for her. She didn't want to drive either of them away by what she did, but she didn't want the two of them to be mad at each other over her. In truth, she wasn't very sure at all about what to do or say. Hopefully Jac would simply drop the topic for now and they could move on to talk about something else. Yes, that might be easier for her. She might not have to constantly make sure she said everything, just right.


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