walk right in the sight of the gun

I'm a bit tired, so I'm sorry if the quality of this reply is worse than usual <3 300+


Fuck. He hated those fucking traps. He understood the mechanisms, but they were a pain. He had thought it impossible for him too to accidentally run into one of those traps that recently had popped up all around the Dahlian borders, but he had barely saved his leg moments ago when he had walked almost right into a trap that had been set further outside of the Dahlian lands. The adrenaline had already kicked in, and the man had of course deactivated the bear trap instantly when he had realized that he had almost lost a limb. He had done so by picking up a random stick in his jaws and throwing it on top of the human made thing, and it had snapped shut and shattered the wood in half. There were impressive strength in such a simple thing, but he was too angry to be able to appreciate such a thing right now. After the near-accident, the man had continued on his route home, but again his attention was snapped away from the homeland. Well, not exactly, because now his attention was on the woman that seemed to be coming from the flower pack. His teeth grinded together, creating an unpleasant sound. Nearly as unpleasant as his processing thoughts. Haku self thought himself to be good at controlling himself, but he was having issues now.

The landscape was much more open than what he would have preferred, but he did not care if she saw her worst nightmare approaching. The secui padded determinately towards her, though there was nothing in his pose that revealed the foul mood within the rotten core. He stopped when he was close enough to detect the colour of the white female’s eyes. He stopped then, brilliantly blue orbs staring accusingly at her, as if she had been found guilty for doing something horrible.


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