I Got This Fucking Thorn In My Side

Maybe she should have known him on sight, but Anu did not. In the end she would kick herself for not knowing the instant that he spoke. A deep voice that called to her. It had been some time since one had called her a Miss, she was far from young, even if her features did not speak of her age. He wore a smile, not inviting and welcoming and still Anu stepped forward. “Sir,” She spoke, formal and slightly in mock of his greeting. Thoughts that plagued her fell away and she found pleasure in the distraction. No longer did the little female that she wanted so badly to have filled her mind’s eye, all she saw was the chocolate male. Tattered and bruised.

She took a moment to take him in, and found the sight of him astonishing. It seemed that he had been beaten, by a bear she guess by the wolf’s size. Anu felt a smile form itself to her mouth, fear did not grip her and such a thing was as pleasurable as the distraction that she had been given. She was outside the Dreaming lands, alone and in the presence of a beast that was formidable and from a first impression quick to fight. But she had yet to hear his story, if ever he cared to tell it, who knew maybe a bear had gotten a hold of him and none of it his own doing. “you seem distressed.” Anu finished, her voice unnaturally smooth. A voice told her that he would not hurt her, being pained so much already.


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