it's like forgetting the words
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        The creamy pup smiled happily, giggling along with her sister. It was very nice to see Cambi happy again—it was much better than the sad Cambi that had suddenly appeared. And she was glad that she could makeher sister laugh and jump. Amata was made proud by her sister’s compliment. "Thanks yous, Cambi" Had the creamy girl been able to shift, she would have curtsied. But, because she could not, instead she gave an awkward bow that, in her mind, appeared just as the curtsies and bows that she had seen in the picture books about princes and princesses. "I’s the Jars-getter," she replied with a bright smile as if such a title were so very significant. But to the little girl, that title, at that very moment, was the best title in the world. If it had made her sister happy, then it was the best thing that she could ever be.

        The blue and green eyes watched the jar curiously, but it had not occurred to her that the lid was on until she saw Cambi’s sea green eyes considering it. Then it did become a problem. Cambi attempted to get it open by biting and knowing, but the lid did not come off, and chocolate her sister voiced her frustration. She sat back, mirroring Cambi’s movements. "Nos," Amata replied with a sort of despair. It couldn’t not open! It had to open. For a moment, the frustration of her sister made her feel frustrated as well. "Lemme try," she said after several moments of dumbfounded silence. Rising, she had her attempts at opening the jar. She growled as menacingly as she could possibly manage, silently threatening that if it did not open for her sister, she would not play with it. With a sudden leap, she pounced upon the jar, her benign attack upon the jar with her teeth almost comical had the situation not been dire. But the jar was stubborn and silence, and so the girl abandoned that method all together.

        Sighing with pure exasperation, she sat down with a sad sigh, glaring at the jar that did not open. Carefully avoiding her sister’s gaze, Amata stared down at cute Leafy. Poor Leafy wouldn’t be getting his house, it seemed. But then she paused, considering with a tilted head. Amata had seen the adults opening it.... How’s they do it agains? And she thought and remembered. "I knows!" she exclaimed. "‘member? The grown-ups opened it with their hands! They turneded the jar and then it opened!" Of course, the problem was that they did not have any hands, but Amata’s creativity and imagination would make up for that. "Here’s." she said, scooting over to the jar so that she could wrap herself around it once more. "I’s hold the jars, and yous turned the top!" That should work! "Come ons, Cambi!" she encouraged with a smile. "It wills works, and then Leafy wills has his house!"


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