agent double zero.

Ruri smiled, dipping her head in slightly in Anselm's direction, "Yes, pleasure to meet you," she echoed Haven. The delicate female stood quietly next to her friend as he answered Anselm's questions. She was certainly relieved that she hadn't been asked anything directly yet. The slate and ivory border collie wasn't sure whether she would have been able to answer all of those questions as well as Haven had. However, it was not long before Haven turned to her for her input regarding the issue of pups. "Oh...ummm...well I don't think Jac would play favorites. He's not the kind to settle down with anyone long enough to father any pups I think. He'd probably be accepting of anyone's pups within the pack as long as they did not interfere in his personal affairs," she replied honestly. The only pup Ruri had ever known that Jac had cared about had been her and they were the best of friends. As such it seemed likely that Jac would be a fair king to any other pups in the pack.

Out of reflex the blind collie shook her fur, although it didn't do much good out in the rain. Her long, thin coat would only re-soak itself in a few moments. One could only hope that her pelt would get thicker the longer she lived in these lands. At the moment, it wasn't at all suited to the harsh weather. However, she would endure it long enough to complete this conversation with Anselm. Then she would make haste to get back to her cabin to warm up and dry off.



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