into the abyss.
Gabriel believed in angels, as he believed in God. He also believed the devil took many forms, and if he had truly come to his mother, and that these were his children, they had to be killed. Nothing had proven this true, and it had been over a year. If this changed, if one of them truly showed the signs of the great deceiver, if one should turn their arms against him, he would cut them down as his namesake had done in the past. Of all the things his father had done (or not done), his name was all Gabriel could thank the man for.

“You don’t seem too upset now that she’s gone,” he said suddenly, not quite sure why he had decided to bring their mother into this. Perhaps to see if it would show him anything to justify what he believed. Proof was needed, even though his faith operated on blind belief. Of course, he had heard the voices before. They were the ones that had enabled him to heal, kill, and bring about the destruction of hundreds. If he had known better, he would have called the woman’s voice by her proper name—but he knew nothing about his own families past.

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