walk right in the sight of the gun

Aaw, so is yours Big Grin 300+


Oh, did she understand how dangerous this was? Her words had doomed her, and the moment those words were out, that demonic need to tear and crush tugged at him, begged him to release his grip on reality and become one with the taint. Haku wanted to, but he was not beyond reasoning. Crimson Dreams or not, there was no excuse for such behaviour. Did she know who he was? What he could do? Did he know that he had torn apart a member of her pack only one or two months ago? Did she know that he had ripped the flesh off the body and devoured it while the white scarred man had still lived? Insignificant little creature, she knew nothing. The male allowed her to get two steps away before he turned slowly like the ancient god he was. He was the son of the devil, and his father now told him: ‘do as thou wilt’. The offspring from hell wanted to please those dark powers.

In complete silence, he caught up with her. Lips withdrew without hesitation and revealed those yellowing fangs of a murderer, and those dangerous tools snapped shut mere inches from the white woman’s muzzle. He stepped ahead of her then, his frame facing hers as he once again placed himself in her path, but so much closer, suddenly so much more dangerous now. Could she detect the death of one thousand souls on his breath? It was odd how such a warm colour of blue could be so deadly and cold in an instant. There only existed death behind the deceiving blue. He wanted to taste this one too. ”I’m sorry, but I’m not sure if I heard what you said back there.” lips curled slowly with such evil energy, and perhaps for once the demon’s own face could be detected in the scarred face of the secui. She needed to fear him.


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