Take it

He was dangerous, but she could not help herself. The last distance was quickly killed off as she took those last steps towards him, now having to tilt her slightly upwards to look at his face. His face was marred with lines, but unlike Kaena he had both eyes intact. She could easily have taken him for another if he had given her a different name to go by. Their eyes held similar colours, but hers belonged to the de le Poer. Despite knowing that this was not truly a similarity between the two werewolves, she still judged it as such. Her smile still stayed on those dark lips and her eyes too gleamed with warmth reserved only for family. Her head tilted slightly to the side. She liked him.

Her cream painted fingers with the dark and deadly talons slowly rose to touch his face. Both thumbs found one scar each and traced them ever so lightly. Her smile widened, barely revealing her brilliantly white teeth. He was still beautiful, a Lykoi in all his glory. Already he stood her closer than most other individuals did. Inferni held allies, but the Lykoi family came before that because Kaena had accepted her and embraced her from the moment their eyes had met. That meant more than anything else in the world.

Her hands moved downwards, stroking the side of his face before investigating a strange mark on his neck. Hands settled on his chest, on top of an x shaped memory. Ruby eyes quickly investigated his arms. Had he done cruel things to himself lately? It was intoxicating to be so close to a monster. She knew that her family was dark compared to many other family lines. It was a kick alone to be a part of that. Was Samael too part of the greatness of the Lykois? By the look of his body, she truly believed that he was. He brought fear to the weak. ”I like scars.” The girl admitted, feeling a bit silly, knowing that this was not a common thing. ”You have so many and I have none.” her voice turned from wonder to something much more playful along with a light accusation.


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