Just what it was about this old coffee shop
haha ^^ Happy Singles Awareness day! It's Dierdre's birthday Big Grin

She wasn't very good at playing, really; Beppe and another pup, Merit, were the only ones she had ever tried it with. Empusa seemed like a fairly swift coyote, especially for her age, but she had a lot of faults. Clumsiness was definitely one of those. She'd jumped off of the couch at the house and had landed funny on one of her legs (thank goodness nothing had been broken), and since then had never really regained her balance. Not in the same way as before. The leg didn't hurt, but it gave out sometimes. Perhaps that was a part of it.

She knew the second her leg twisted underneath her that something was wrong, and braced herself for a hard fall--but she was pleasantly surprised. What she fell on top of wasn't hard at all--it was soft. And fuzzy. And dark. She'd closed her eyes as she had fallen, but now she reopened them. "You caught me! Like a..damsel in distress!" She grinned. "Zis seat---it is tres comfortable"

Maybe it was innapropriate for her to be laying on him like this, though. Did he not like it? Empusa thought about it, but decided that it didn't matter. They were friends! He wouldn't mind. "But now I do not know if you are letting me lay on you or if I have you pinned" She teased. "I apologize--I am very clumsy"


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