Strawberry Fields
before you tell yourself
I have it ^^ The two-cd one.

it's just a different scene

They were getting more and more advanced, technology wise, the werewolves were. They took the human technology and made it their own. Dierdre was a big fan of the humans' ways...all except the pollution. It was a good thing that the wolves didn't have cars or anything that ran with gasoline, or they would probably be doing the same things the humans did. But the wolves respected their environment.

She had barely even remembered her birthday herself...she was very surprised that Pilot had known about it. She hadn't told anyone...but then Deuce had said that Pilot had come to see her. Maybe Deuce had told him. Or Phoenix. Either way, it was a pleasant surprise. She responded in kind, wrapping her arms around him. "I do! I haven't even seen it all yet...and I'm already overwhelmed. Nobody's ever done something like this for me before--not even mother"

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