Step up to the Plate...RVH[aw]

<style="color:#804000">Angel gave a yawn as she shook her pelt in her halfling form. She hated the rain but she was glad that it had stopped in the middle of the night. Her hut after she had her visitors had toppled over from the rain. She knew it would sooner or later. She had only temporarily built it for the time being until she could work with something better. Now she had begun to work with stone. So far, it wasn't too bad and it was outside of the Red Vine Hollow. She hoped that it would begin to grow on her newly built house. She always thought it was such a beautiful plant to be growing on the hollow. She smirked as she looked to the vines above her head. They were blood in color and the morning sun shining through them made them look even more beautiful. That being said, she decided to get up and start the day with a little bit of a fishing trip. Shifting to her werewolf form, which took about a couple minuets, she gave a stretch of her body. Her hair, which was black in color with tips of auburn and red, hung down below her shoulders and bangs were tipped auburn and hung below her eyes. They were separated so she could see and her eyes were a bright violet color. Her body was curved but still showed the muscles from previous training sessions and the like. Her tail hung down long and swept the ground partially as she stood on her back legs. Now she was a biped; one that walked on two legs. Angel smirked and rested her right hand on her buttock as she looked at her frame. Giving a curt nod, she went over to where the young male fox was sleeping and gathered her clothing which entailed to be a leather vest with criss-cross tying in the front, a pair of cloth pants which hung off her hips and had a hole in the back for her tail, and knee high boots made from cloth and leather, all three were chocolate and auburn in color. Angel also had a bandana she had obtained from a human city some time ago and wore it atop of her head. Making her way out of the Red Vine Hollow, she looked to her stone building she had begun, and decided it could wait until after she ate her breakfast before she worked on it.

Heading to the river she brought her fishing pole and her sack that she carried her fish in. It was about a two mile trek, but the scenery was great to walk in. The sun had begun to peek out of the pink and purple clouds that floated in the orange colored sky. The trees were orange tinted along with yellow highlights as the sun had begun to rise above the mountains that sat in the background. Angel swore she could still see snow on them but with the sun right in her eyes she didn't dare to look. Keeping a broad smile on her lips she made her way to the cool water lake that held her favorite fish - rainbow trout. Their flavor was mild at best and tasted great when smoked with vegetables like bell peppers and squash. Thinking of this made Angel remember she needed to collect seeds for those so she could grow her own. As she rounded the next leafy bend she looked to her right and saw her favorite fishing spot. After setting up her pole and her bait, she cast out her line with her wooden bobber painted bright orange from Ash berries and let it sit for a while. Taking out her flute, she began to play a dirge. Her foxen friend soon approached and gave a small bark to let her know he arrived."Well welcome my small orange friend! Wanting to join me on my fishing trip? I will tell you it will get quite boring as I wait for fish, but you are welcome to sit with me!" Angel spoke aloud as she patted her leg showing he was okay to sit on her lap. Gratefully hopping up, he landed on her lap and laid his head on his paws with a hefty sigh. Chuckling, Angel continued to play her flute as she watched her bobber in the water. It was as flat as glass and had different colored trees surrounding the shores, which were rocky and sandy combined. Angel sat atop of a tree that had been cut some time ago, but still had a back on it which made a wonderful chair. Angel wondered if that was what it was made out to be. Either way, she was comfortable. Finishing her dirge, she began to pet the fox which rolled over on to his back and wanted her to pet his belly. Angel chuckled and began to scritch it with her fingernails as she continued to watch her bobber. It was only the morning so it would be a while before she would catch anything. Angel didn't have to worry about the size limit anyway. There was no law on it here.



Characters::Angelique du Coudray

OOC::Will be one of two threads needed to gain the Apothecary co-rank for the pack. Anyone willing to join is encouraged *coughandpleadedcough* (j/k) to join!


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