i want to see the look in her eyes
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/ ... _table.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
your new sig is sexy! 323 words

It wasn't even true! Sofia wasn't that beautiful. Her fur was coarse and short, the typical timber wolf pattern mediocre and uninteresting. Her dark brown human-styled mane was tousled and unbrushed. Yeah, she wasn't ugly.. and yeah, she'd definitely call herself more lovely that this monster (although not to his face, that would be suicide). But still! Weren't there tons of way more beautiful women that he could assault? She wasn't even that guilty of the crime she was being accused of? Oh god, what if she died for this crime? The thought flooded her with fear again, but much less expected relief railed on it's footsteps. If he killed her, it would be over. Yeah, she wouldn't get any more days or any more experiences... But all the worries, all the doubt, all the terror all the pondering about what was next, it would be done, quick and easy. Even if he tortured her before killing her which.. wouldn't make sense, would it? But even if he did, even if he tortured her for a week it would be quicker, it would be easier than waiting for her bones to decay, for her days to slowly wind to a close..

The male grabbed a lock of her hair and she tried to yank her head away, but her movement was extremely limited by her compromised position, and she only managed to move it an inch or two, unable to get the hair out from his hands. Desperate, Sofia struggled wildly, trying to break free of his grip while one of his hands was occupied with her hair. "I'm not even that pretty!" She wanted to cry out how there were so many other girls he could have taken.. But, well, honestly, if it came to that, it was probably better that she had been chosen. If she died, it wasn't like she'd be losing all that much life. "Just let me go, please!"

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