I Got This Fucking Thorn In My Side

short post! D:

She sat down and it seemed like she would be staying for a little while. He did not mind as long as she did not become a true bother. Haku had not looked for a healer. He did not see it as necessary either. There were no infections (he had been lucky) and the wounds eventually seemed to be healing. Her comment caused his gaze to sharpen up and narrow slightly. Haku was quite shallow in many ways, but he lusted more for blood than anything else. As long as his body did as he commanded he was alright. Beauty was a fleeting thing, and if he could not get what he wanted with his appearance alone, then he would take it by force. Life was easy seen from his point of view. Did she think he was hideout to look at? He would understand if she did, as her features were quite lovely if he was to say so himself. ”Dahlia does not have a healer.” the male’s excuse sounded. He had not bothered seeking out a healer from one of the other packs. It had not seemed necessary, and he mainly just wanted to be left alone so that he could recover in peace. "Am I unpleasant to look at?" He lowly wondered, not letting his own gaze stray from her face.


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