looking for a chance to stray

OOC:: I thought that we could keep this thread going for a few more replies, and then maybe start the storytelling one? Big Grin Just an idea, we could have this for longer if you'd like, it doesn't bother me at all either way Smile ::Word Count:: 300+

Already her position was making her limbs and back ache, but she didn't dare move, just in case the pup would think she had done it on purpose, wanting to be caught. The place she had found was clearly too small for her and she hoped Gotham would be quick in rescuing her from a painful wait. Her amber eyes could make out the youngster as he finished counting and headed towards the place where the tree he had previously hidden in was. She whispered a soft, "No...", hoping that somehow he would be able to hear it, but in the same time conscious that that was impossible given the distance between them. She sighed softly, making a huge effort not to move in an attempt to outstretch her numbed paws, and kept her eyes on Gotham.

The pup seemed to suddenly decide against his current direction, and Urma almost wagged her tail in delight that she would be freed from her agonizing hiding place. It seemed that the fact that her ear was sticking out had been a wise decision, given that it had helped lure Gotham here maybe quicker than if he hadn't seen the hint. Convinced that he was heading in her direction regardless of anything that might distract him, she busied herself with squinting through the dense branches of the bush, in an attempt to appear as if she were momentarily lost as to his whereabouts. Although she sensed him coming, his greeting was unexpected, and she nearly jumped at the feel of his small tongue against the side of her ear. She rolled onto her side, grateful for the mobility she had now regained and smiled at the pup. "I'm busted, huh?" Her smile did not waver even in the slightest as she stood up on all fours and indicated the rock. "It looks like it's my turn again. Told you you'd make a good seeker," she added, beaming at him. She paused a bit as they approached home base, and the pale femme reclined to her haunches, searching Gotham's eyes. "Still want to play this or do you feel like doing something else?"


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