Watch the World Pass by

He doubted they would ever leave him completely. The nightmares did not seem to follow any particular pattern but found him shivering and shaking in his sleep that night. Though his daughter had moved back into his den, they still had separate bedrooms. He had never been accustomed to sleeping with other people and her presence made him weary and nervous; he could never trust himself. Even logically, the hybrid failed at reasoning out whether or not his monster was only playing with him or if he was gone for good. So he would stay only until she fell asleep and then move away to curl in another cavern by himself dreaming of all the worse days in his life.

But as wrapped up as he became in his own mind, it never seemed to take much to stir the tawny male. The voice did not register immediately as familiar, but his body woke itself mechanically. An alpha was a slave to duty and he crawled out slowly into the shy morning. Even finally seeing the source of the call, Laruku did not place Conri immediately. It was simplest to blame the fact that there were many holes in his memory, but it was also true that the youth had grown and changed. They both had more scars than when they had last seen or spoken to one another. You're back, he observed quietly, though his voice carried no distinguishable tone.


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