the devil's water, it ain't so sweet

I looove your new Mew av!

If my silence made you leave,
then that would be my worst mistake.

Geneva had never heard of Firefly. It seemed as though the Sadira bloodline dominated this region of Nova Scotia. Upon her arrival in Nova Scotia, she had joined the Crimson Dreams pack. Naniko D'Angelo, the white woman who had been her leader, had claimed ties to DaVinci through adoption. And Geneva knew for a fact that Savina's mate and her former pack mate, Kansas, had blood ties to Mew. The green eyed wolfess finally made a connection to Mew's last name and she smiled slightly as she shook her head.

"I have never met or heard of a Firefly, but I know that DaVinci had a lot of family," the woman said. In fact, DaVinci's mother, the late Iskata, had also had a daughter, Zana. The girl had gone adrift and it seemed to be a Sadira trait. DaVinci too had left, and Geneva's smile wilted around the edges as she shared that news. "DaVinci has departed. I do not know his whereabouts, but I hope he is happy."

The gray woman added more. "But his son, Ty, still resides within the Valley. I also know another Sadira, Kansas. He's a member of Crimson Dreams. He is my friend's mate, and they had children a few months back." It did not seem like a bad idea to share this news with Mew. She seemed to be a pleasant, gentle soul and Geneva knew that Crimson Dreams was well protected and was a largely neutral group.


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