rough around the edges.
Staying as still as he possibly could, Hezekiah almost held his breath when he felt the beady crimson eyes pass over where he was standing. While he had no doubt been noticed, he still didn’t make himself present or any more visible than he probably was. Nevertheless, when the gold and red-tinged man decided to move on with body and all, Hezekiah was compelled to follow after him… at a distance. It was his inner force of habit, shadowing whatever it was that struck his fancy rather than having the all out confidence to simply ask the what and why questions.

Sticking to the denser foliage, he forfeited speed for silence, even though his silence was questionable at best. He was not very stealthy when it came to his Optime form even more so because of the injury he was sporting on his left side, but he was confident that he wasn’t doing so badly. Surely not. He hoped not. Shifting to something smaller and easier to work was simply out of the question and just so long as he kept some sort of sign that the fellow dragging the corpse was nearby, he was find from trailing him from a distance.

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