we used to leave the blue lights on (aw)
I hope I got Mason's general information figured out okay... you didn't have your profile filled out so I'm kind of guessing. And I also rambled. D:
Two days in and some of the soreness was starting to leave his body, though the bandaged gash in his side was still the most tender thing there was. His head had long stopped aching and the heavy blanket of myopia had been reduced to what it usually was. He felt more sure on his feet, clearly recovering through the care that had been doled out to him. Despite whatever informal bringing up he had been given, he knew without anything said that he was indebted to Inferni; a concept that was mature for a adolescent to grasp. But Hezekiah was unknowingly mature and clear-headed for what was going on his life. He hated the uncertainty and the not knowing, but it didn’t drive him into the throes of anxiety or the fear that had addled his brain a day or two ago.

No, he was surprisingly calm. Just as calm as he had been watching Anselm drag a corpse away and make another pike for another head to sit upon. So in a sense as he meandered loosely through the vast territory that Inferni had claimed, he applauded himself for handling things like an adult. And it really was something that Hezekiah had to do on his own, because he knew that he would not be getting the praise anywhere else. Certainly not from his father. Even though the circumstances as to how he had ended up where he was and how he had gotten injured had yet to come back to him, the fog that had been over his general life had lifted. He now had the understanding of why he had told Kaena he would most likely consider a home with them.

There really wasn’t that much back home for him.

Not knowing where it was only attributed to the ease of leaving it behind, although there were certainly things that he missed about it. Things that did not cross his mind as he took in the sights, allowing himself to be drawn towards the shore simply because of the auditory delight it gave him. He was familiar with the coast, albeit not this one. The coast he had been raised on faced the rising sun, not the setting one. Out where the treeline broke for the rocky, sandy shores did he emerge, taking easy but long strides towards the crisp waters. He wouldn’t dare get his bandage wet and would especially not tolerate the stinging of the salt water anywhere near his healing wound, but he would enjoy the seaside all the same.

Even more so because there was someone there that he could possibly connect with. So far all he had encountered were adults that seemed either as old as his father or slightly younger (what their true ages were he didn’t bother estimating), so to spot someone who was similar to him—a child, distinctly coyote albeit a lighter shade than he—coaxed him to drop his charade of being oh-so-mature and older than he really was. As the distance between them closed, Hezekiah’s brow furrowed at the sight that the younger lad was making. Splashing, hopping, snapping wildly at what he could only guess were the glimmers of fish… and he wasn’t really that good at it.

“What’re you doing?” Hezekiah called out to him softly after watching him snap a couple times more. It should have seemed fairly obvious what he was doing, but for all he knew, maybe this boy was just playing with the fish. Something else Hezekiah could have related to, given that he had either been too young and small or old and big to really tussle with anyone purely for fun. Which was probably why he was how he was; a budding intellectual made of easily shaped clay instead of a refined hunter or fighter made out of stone.

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