we'd be so fantastical

i don't cause commotions
i am one.

Rising from his momentary all fours stance Adonis snorted the water from his nose and stretched his back. Large, powerful jaws emitted forth a yawn and thick tail flicked behind his rear. Ruby visionaries turned towards Faolin now and he stared momentarily. Why was it that she would never go in the water? Frowning deeply Adonis strode up the beach to the female at a casual -- though slightly stiff with irritation -- pace. He was much taller than her, the top of her head really only came to about his shoulders and chest. Raising a furred hand he gently stroked claws through her crimson tresses, gently twirling a bunch around his index finger. "Why is it you won't come in the water?" Deep vocals vibrated, purring through his broad chest. His tone easily gave way to that fact that he was not at all pleased with having to deal with such fears within a woman. She was supposed to be fearless; his little toy that would follow him where ever he went and hang on every word.

Grunting he turned from her and looked back to the crystalline water then glanced back to Faolin over his shoulder. Perhaps today was the day that she was going to get over her fears.. Narrowing his gaze upon the female he tried to think of some way to get her used to the water, but not have her panic and distrust him. Goddesses knew that he was well aware that whether or not she trusted him, would depict how strong her loyalty to him would remain. "Do you trust me, Avarice?" The male inquired and took a backwards step back then outstretched a large paw to her.


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