we'd be so fantastical

i don't cause commotions
i am one.

Her discomfort was very apparent and he didn't miss the shudder of fear. Slightly discouraged, and becoming upset momentarily, his frown deepened and he scowled. But no sooner had the sour expression appeared did it fade away and Adonis smoothed out his expression once more, gently enveloping her hand within his. He took a step back with her, allowing her toes to just barely be grazed by the waves as they rolled in and retreated. Looking down rather warily at the female he felt his patience slowly wane. "See? Its just water." He commented rather off-handedly and then bent down to scoop her up into his arms. Without her permission he cradled her momentarily in one, clawing her long, crimson locks over her shoulder and into her lap before readjusting her into both arms now. Being one who grew up in a pack where there was little urban areas, Adonis was one of the few (or as he was aware) that enjoyed the simplicity of a loin cloth. The little garment allowed him easy movement for fighting or hunting, and it was long enough that no breeze would blow between his legs and allow others a glimpse. He did however own a dress shirt and pants for those odd times that he needed to go into the city, especially when he was picking up a refill of the first half of Faolin's drug. The concoction was a mixture of, well he wasn't entirely sure, but he usually mixed the potion given to him from the city with berries for flavor, and a few other special leaves of which he was well aware of their effect on the mind.

Wading about knee-deep into the water Adonis stopped and stood their for a moment, allowing Faolin to calm down. He shushed her gently and licked the side of her neck, whispering comforting words into her sensitive ear. "Trust me." The charcoal brute purred again, "I wouldn't let anything happen to you.." He continued to lull then leaned forwards and to the side slightly to allow her toes to dip into the water. He would go slow, first allowing her to get used to the constant chill of the water around her feet. Then he'd adjust her and allow the water to engulf her feet and ankles, and eventually work up to her calves to just above her knees. But, this would be done in all good time so long as she did not throw a panic fit. But, if she did it really wouldn't be any more than a patience set back. Adonis wouldn't drop her into the water.


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