looking for a chance to stray

OOC: Okay than, I'll start the other one once this is done? Smile ::Word Count:: 300+

The pale femme allowed the pup's victory to settle in between them like a certainty, registering in the mean time the tiredness in his body. She knew that their day together was quickly coming to an end, and she felt a bit sorry, since she had felt so good in the company of the small wolf. She realized this was the first time she had spent an entire day within the lands of Crimson Dreams without thinking about Pilot and their fate as a whole. Although she knew that her ability to push away the thoughts about him was only temporary, she felt a momentary pang of jealousy at being unable to feel content for a while longer with her presence here, despite his looming absence. However, she didn't want to allow herself to dwell on such thoughts for longer than was necessary; she still had a few minutes in the pup's company and she was determined to spend them wisely.

Decided to end this day properly, she sat up on all fours and moved closer to Gotham, only bending her legs when she was next to him, so that her back would be level with him. She turned to look at him with a heartfelt smile on her muzzle, and gently offered, "Want to ride back to the Manor on my back? I'd be more than happy to take you," she added as an afterthought, wanting to reassure the pup that she didn't mind this at all. Being an adult, she was not in the least bit tired, and only wanted to make sure the small wolf would reach his home safely, even if no dangers threatened him within the pack boundaries. He had been more or less her responsibility the entire day, and she didn't wish to lose him from her sight until she was certain he was somewhere he could rest completely at ease; where better to do that if not at the heart of the Crimson Dreams lands? The white female wagged her tail a couple of times in eagerness, her smile still on her muzzle, encouraging Gotham not to feel embarrassed by her offer.


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