Watch the World Pass by

People left and people came back. People were taken away and still came back. The lake was a black hole that pulled them all back in, though many seemed to have had enough fight in them to escape for good. Laruku had accepted a long time ago that this was just the way things were and no longer had the energy or motivation to be angry at those who disappeared for whatever reason. All the same, he hated being the only person that stayed because he hated being the one to tell the stories of what had happened in people's absenses. There was never any good news and if there was, he didn't know about it. Besides, how long had Conri been gone? When was the last time they had spoken? What had happened between now and then?

He didn't know how to keep track of time anymore, even if he tried. Maybe months had passed. How many? Things always change without actually changing, he breathed tiredly. People come, people go. He look again at the younger male, You've lost a leg. It was a stoic observation at best. Part of him wondered what had happened to the poor boy, but most of him was convinced that it didn't matter. Davinci's gone though, the alpha continued, Naniko's lonely.


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