borderline crazy

<style="color:#768894">Being the pack member she had been chosen to be, Angel made her way about the borders in her halfling form. She liked this form the best for she was quick, agile and strong within it. The optime form was okay for conversing and doing things such as leatherworking and all, but this one for hunting was possibly the best to use. Her long muscular legs made her way over fallen logs and rocks through out her homeland. The jet black bodice of her fur glittered in the light of the dimming sun. The clouds had once again begun to gather and before she knew it, it became darker just as she caught a scent. Loner. A snarl emitted from her lips as she rose to the occasion and leaped forward to greet the bastard. She could tell it was male and he was alone. Her fangs remained bared as she could smell that he had crossed the borders. Even for a loner, she wasn't supised at it. Most were dumb in any case. Reaching the borders she blocked his path and eyed him carefully. Muscular he was and it seemed he had scars, but none the less he was still a loner and now an enemy from crossing the borders. Perhaps he could regain her trust, if any at all, to keep her from attacking.

Switching to her Optime form, she stood a mere 5'7" tall with her black and brown bangs over her eyes and hanging past her shoulders. Her cold expression showed she was less than impressed with him. "Well look what the vultures dragged in. Tell me, what right does a loner have to cross the borders of the ones that reside here? Including myself? I would suggest you answer quick before I use you as my floor rug." This was a rare occasion for Angel to be as negative as she was, but she loathed loners. Angel thought of them to be as selfish and rude as the pigs that rolled in the mud. They cared for no one else but themselves and she hadn't even met a loner to prove otherwise. She even met a few who were so low as to try and kill an alpha because they thought they would be better than he or she. On her watch Angel wouldn't allow that to happen. Angel rested a hand on her hip and allowed them to tilt some as she awaited for an answer. "Harken to me!" Her patience was running thin now. As she leaned down, she pulled out a dagger from her bag she had carrying in her mouth. Her dagger soon was being held in her hand. She hated loners.


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