The Magical Forest
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"Okays!" Amata’s tail wagged happily to let No-war know how she felt. "I’s will come and visited Bab-eduk and No-war one days." She smiled up at the older girl who had tan fur but not creamy white fur. "Then I’s cans sees Bab-eduk runnin’ ‘round and bes cute!" And the Sadira pup was very curious about how a Bab-eduks looked. But the girl from An’Waya said that he was cute!

In one moment she was laying her back, and then in the next moment she was squirming about, her voice screaming with high-pitched tones before she began to laugh. No-war was tickling her tummy, and her tummy was very ticklish and got tickled very much by the older best friend’s nose. Amata wanted to tell No-war how much it tickled, and there were several futile attempts to do so. Each time her laughing was too geat nad her tummy hurt from laughing nad tickled from being tickled, so she could get no words to come forth from her stubby little muzzle. When the older girl finally stepped back, Amata was able to catch her breath. She continued to lay there on her back and smile up at her friend as the tears of laughter trickled down the sides of her face. How strange it was to cry because she was happy! "That tickleded very muches, best-friend No-war!"

"Yeahs!" Amata exclaimed when she caught her breath. Rising, she shook her fur so that she could not have as much grass and dirt and bugs on it. "Comes and I’s shows yous, No-war!" Happily, the little creamy pup turned and began to bound away as if she were a baby deer or a baby rabbit—or even a big rabbit. She paused once she had crossed a good amount of ground before turning back to make sure that her new bestest and coolest friend was following. Then, her tail wagging happily, Amata led No-war through the tall grass that was like a magical forest and through the tall trees that were even taller than the grass and then through some bushes that were smaller than the trees but taller than the grass and still taller than her. As she pranced about in a world that was still filled with the magic of an imaginative mind, she sang a tuneless and rhythmless and toneless song that only little girls could make, turning back occasionally to make sure that her pretty-eyed friend followed still (and she was, so she made happy noises).

Then the tall tress and the smaller-but-still-taller bushes parted to the taller-than-Amata grasses and a field of colourful wild flowers. With all four legs planted upon the ground, the cream-hued pup turned her head and beamed up at the taller girl. "Here iss some flowers, No-war," the Sadira girl announced obviously. "Iss this enough flowers?" Amata certainly hoped so—she wanted very much to be able to become a butterfly. Then she could play with No-war, and then maybe she could play with Cambi too! It would be fun to learn a new game!


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