we'd be so fantastical

i don't cause commotions
i am one.

Ever so slowly Adonis lowered Faolin down into the water. Gingerly he set her to stand in the cool, feathery-light sands beneath the water's surface. Large paws drew back up her figure as he let her slide from his grasps. A large, rather proud smile was worn upon handsome visage. Tenderly he drew a nail beneath her throat to her chin, allowing himself a better view of her fiery gaze. "See? Nothing wrong." He murmured and removed his paw from her throat, wading further now before turning his back towards her momentarily and scooping a large paw down into the water. Drawing it back up he soaked his long, ebony hair until it was sculpted to his head. Sighing heavily with relaxation the wolf turned back towards Faolin now and waded back to her, majority of the loin cloth already soaked and clinging to the insides of his legs. A deep chuckle vibrated from his chest and hew drew the palm of his hand against her cheek, smoothing his thumb over her chin.

He strode past her then came back up behind her, placing large paws upon her shoulders. "The sun should be setting soon, are you hungry?" He inquired with a rumble and stepped back to seat himself in the shallows of the water. Flicking seaweed from the water near him Adonis grumbled and peeled the useless kelp from his hand a moment later, tossing it up onto the beach. Thick arms were directed behind him now as he leaned back on his hands, swirling the sand between his fingers. His own fiery gaze was lifted towards her figure now. Day after day he felt himself more and more tempted to ravage every bone in her body. Her curvaceous figure was enough to tempt any poor old soul, and the fact that like him she felt comfortable without human-like clothes only drove him even more mad with hormonal desire.


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