The Magical Forest
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Noir liked the thought of being visited by Amata. Only uncle Ho had come to visit her in Aniwaya, and if she was not a beaming sun already, she would have lighted up further with gold and sunshine. Noir would show the younger girl everything; her house with uncle Ho, Toefur of course, Baby Duck, and lots of other things that she could not even remember in her current bliss. She just knew that it would be super awesome fun and that Amata would think she was super cool. The tears almost got the tan puppy worried though, but the girl seemed to laugh and not cry, so it was okay. Noir too had once laughed so hard that tears had starting rolling down her face, but that had been when she had been much younger, and she had believed that she was sad although she had only been very happy. So confusing!

The Aniwaya youth had no troubles keeping up with the younger child, and her tail waved in triumph and happiness. An odd humming reached the golden eyed girl’s ears, and she was delighted to realize that Amata was humming a song! Noir too did that sometimes! These two girls she had met from Crimson Dreams were so fun and seemingly so similar to herself. How lucky it was that Cambria had showed up close to the Aston family’s den one day so that Noir could get to know her and now her sister! Noir wished she had sisters like this, because this was so much fun!

Noir beamed with joy when it was revealed that Aniwaya was not the only place with lots of flowers. For a moment, Noir’s golden eyes were scanning the sea of wild flowers. This was a very good spot with more than enough flowers for two butterflies to drink lots of flowers and have fun. Noir was so excited that she could not help but bounce a bit around before she calmed down enough to stand in front of the whitish puppy, now ready to help Amata turn into a butterfly. The girl closed her eyes and flattened her ears in pretend concentration. ”Okay, so now you close your eyes first, and then you think a lot a lot hard on being a butterfly!” Noir knew perfectly well how to transform into one, but it seemed that Amata needed to learn it from scratch. There was no doubt in the golden girl’s mind that Amata would pick it up instantly. ”And then when you open your eyes, you are a pretty Amata butterfly!”

Golden eyes popped open and Noir was now Noir-butterfly. She could almost feel her body float up into the air. The ability to imagine and pretend was a precious gift that only children held, but Noir was still a child despite her growing body. She could be and do anything. She inhaled deeply though her nose and took a moment to enjoy the best smell in the world; flowers. Butterfly-Noir really loved flowers.


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