I'll save you
Your writing is fine Smile And yes, if you want Claire to get stuck, go ahead! 300+

What this white adult soon was to realize was that Noir was not exactly as other youths. Noir had already left the puppy rank behind and she had the body of a very young wolf on her way to become a fully grown female. However, the golden eyed female’s brain refused to evolve together with her body. She was a child trapped in a growing adolescent body. Noir’s face turned abruptly to the white adult when she said that the real problem would be finding the poor deer thing’s mommy. ”I know we are their predators..” the girl said unhappily, not wanting to be the deer’s predator. She was not a true predator (though she ate her meat meals caught by others!) and therefore it was not fair that the prey was afraid of her because she would never want to hurt them! Not fair at all!

Maybe she could adopt it just like she had adopter her Baby Duck! The girl suddenly seemed to beam like a miniature sun at that thought. ”Maybe I can be its mommy then! I have a Baby Duck and now I can have Baby Deer too!” what a wonderful idea! The girl’s tan tail started to wave at that pleasant idea. ”Of course we will help each other because that is what friends do and we are now super friends because you are helping me and you smell a bit of home so I think you belong here and I like you because you are nice so I will always help you, but not with killing cute animals because I do not kill animals because they are so cute!” the girl took a deep breath now, having finished such a long sentence!

”It is weird here, but I think that is because it has rained so much and therefore the ground get wet and doesn’t like us!” the girl said slowly, thinking that had to be why. They closed in on the creature, and Noir tried as best she could to be careful and close up on the poor little thing with care, so that she would not scare it to death or something.


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