and some say, the essence of a soul's...

Word Count: 343

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Inside his den, Dawali sat tending his ceremonial suit, making sure the seams were good and not rotting. He would have to find a better way to store it, because during the summer some of the thread had had to be redone, probably because of a too humid keeping-place. It was hard to find somewhere dry with the late weather, however. Outside, the water fell heavy and rapidly, causing a loud, thunder-like sound when it hit the roofing of his hut. In fact, it gave such a strong sound it practically drowned out every other sound he could hear, or at least that was what he thought. In addition the moving water sealed away scents, and so he sat in perfect isolation - sometimes the way he preferred.

Sitting bent over his leather suit, Gvihita peering at it from his shoulder, he thought he could hear the sound of hooves from outside. His head moved and his gaze was raised, ears pointing up and out to catch any sound. His eyes moved in this direction and that as he focused his attention on his hearing sense. It led to no conclusion, and again he bent over his suit to find its weak seams. However a nudge from his friend the eagle send his gaze upwards again, and when he now heard the knocking on his door, he put his suit away and got up, walking to his doorway. And, surely enough, outside stood Catherine. Smiling (and trying not to think about their encounter with the checkers board), he made a gesture with his hand that invited her inside. No matter how short an amount of time spent outside of shelter these days, you'd always end up soggy with rain. But, the inside of his den was warm and comfortable, his hearth glowing faintly in a corner and providing him with raw and sheer heat. Drawing up a chair as they came in, he sat down in his other chair and directed his attention at her. "So, Catherine. What can I do for you?"


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