rough around the edges.
[html] ... camera.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-bottom:125px; background-position:bottom center; background-color:#582402; text-align:justify; font-family:times; font-size:14px; color:#D4A27A; line-height:16px">
lulz, enough of this lurking about XD

#$%&*To be watched casually by a passer-by was one thing; to be stalked continuously for upwards of twenty minutes was another. Anselm used the rock to chisel away at the stick until one end was pointed, spear-like, such that it could easily penetrate into the ground. The efficiency with which he performed this task suggested that it wasn't the first time he'd crafted weaponry from rock and stone. His back was mostly turned to his pursuer, whose scent was still strong enough to let the hybrid know that the other was lingering nearby. Still, his eyes would glance up often from his work as he sought to catch any movement at all in his peripheral. By now, he was growing quite annoyed. His movements quickly became more rapid and tense as if to mimic his thoughts.

#$%&*A blur of movement out of the corner of his eye was all he needed. A bipedal figure was lurking from one shadow to the next. Anselm's fur stood on end in a flash, and without warning he whirled about suddenly, facing the stranger straight on. As he completed this movement, he hurtled the make-shift spear through the air like a javelin. Deliberately, his aim was off by about two feet. It penetrated the water-logged earth easily and stuck out at a funny angle in the shadows and slightly to the coyote's right side. Even as it had flown through the air, Anselm had advanced, stiff-legged and pace brisk. When the pike was in arm's length again, he wretched it from the ground and glared at the smaller boy in the eye.

#$%&*"What. do. you. want." His tone made it clear this was not as much of a question, but rather a demand: If you've got something to say, then fucking say it. His life wasn't a goddamn sitcom, after all. In his mind he'd been pretty patient and laid back (and therefore approachable) about the other's presence--he still thought he was, anyway, as nothing had been impaled yet, not even the grinning wolf's head that watched the excitement from afar, still content in its spot beneath the maple tree.

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