the taste of freedom


Haku was the wolf that had caught the unfamiliar scent, was now tracking the intruder down. They thought that the darkness granted them extra protection? Such a fragile delusion, because Haku ruled the night. Eventually he had found a lonely creature in the darkness that did not belong to Dahlia. Disguised by the darkness, Haku had watched the creature as it eventually seemed to decide that its job was done here and head towards borders. Oh, hell no. Haku had soundlessly stepped back into the rich nature and darted through the territory in an uneven half circle to take the confrontation at the borders because he wanted to extinguish the other canine’s illusion of being invisible just as it was about to reach neutral soil. Haku would not grant such a relief. The gentle breeze drifted in the brown Lilium’s direction, and those years of playing stalk-the-prey had made him confident in his own ability to remain hidden from watchful eyes.

When at the borders, the Lilium slowed down and halted in the cover of the rich plant life, listening to those footsteps of a now oddly careless creature. Haku loved surprises when he was the surprise. As the creature came close (luck played a major part here, not Haku’s skills), the male remained where he was, but his voice rose cold and horrible in the still air. ”Do you seek death?” So many explanations could be used to justify a dead Crimson Dreamer on Dahlian borders. Haku held his own reputation that could make people doubt his words, but how could they ever rise up against him when the boy’s dead body clearly revealed that he had intruded and broken past the Dahlian borders? A smile danced on the demonic man’s lips as he stepped out from the sanctuary of a crowd of rich plants.


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