Pay attention to the small things

The bluebird sang and flew up to sit on the girl's head, causing her to giggle. Dawali was quite convinced that in time the young Sedali might learn to appreciate her spirit guide as greatly as he did his. Gvihita was certainly every bit of a mysterious creature, and being so she also reminded him of his spiritual obligations. He should never forget them, and he would never forget them, unless she left his side. Though, he knew that she would not, and that was a comfort big enough to carry him through this life and greet death - when it came - with his arms open. That was, if it ended in old age, and not violence. No victim of violence died a peaceful death.

Smiling as he watched the girl whose age was a fifth of his own, he chuckled when her face changed rapidly, eyes growing big as saucers when they landed on Gvihita. His own eyes looked from the bird to Noir and back again, smiling with half his mouth. The girl's logic and ability to jump to disturbing conclusions were perhaps not quite normal, but at the very least entertaining. Gvihita said nothing in return - he hadn't expected her to - but stretched her mighty wings, showing off her impressive span of over 75 inches - nearly two metres. Smiling at her, fondly, he defied Noir's assumptions. "She doesn't really speak to others, but she'll not eat Kinigisdi. Spirit Guides don't have to eat food."

By James!

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