For a Small Moment In Time

late, short, and crap. im sorries req! <3


Was this a story, or was it a dream? Anu held the question, among the others that lingered in her mind. Always she had questions, but her tongue was old and practiced and she could choose the right to ask. At time one or two might slip, but out of all those the floated in her thoughts the odds were in her favor. Blue eyes watched the woman. Seated on the soft grass beneath the great oak tree the fey had a good view of the other wolfess, among the nature that she held so prized. Anu wished to read the thoughts on her form, as if the woad markings would become words on her pelt, and Anu would know what it was to be literate. The alto song rang softly, and Anu began to know more. She nodded softly, “As I would. Even the most resilient of flowers perish in the hands of the brash.” The arrogant, the selfish could take the leaved children and death was never far off. It was a sad thing. But Anu knew that as not every beast was made for war, not every was made for the keeping of fragile lives.

“Of course.” Anu was always happy to help those she cared for, as well as those that she had yet to truly know. It was only her nature to care for souls that needed someone to care. It would not be hard to call upon her in the future and Anu wished Cwmfen would know she was always welcomed to ask. She was surprised that Cwmfen asked of Mati, though the answer came easily, She is well, thank you.” Her voice was genuine, it was nice of the Dahlian to ask. Others would have forgotten. “Her birth mother has left Crimson Dreams, expelled for drug use. I know that has hurt her. Though,” Anu paused as she thought of it, she watches over the pups of the pack, and does well with the responsibility.” Anu had seen leadership in the Church girl she called her own, yet she was still young and a pupsitter was a perfect job for her to undertake.

“What are they like?” She asked, the hint of excitement returning to her tone. Eyes glanced over to the pups once more.


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